What is the Ukraine Appeal for?
Pershotravensky Lyceum is a village school in the Zhitomir region of Ukraine, 220km from Kyiv. They offer a wide curriculum and are known for getting children active through sports. Over recent months, more than 600 people have travelled to the village, from Southern Ukraine. Numbers continue to increase.
As a result, the school now have an additional 100+ pupils to educate and care for. Through a local Ukrainian refugee, we are helping the school to provide enough sports kits and resources for 100-150 students. Financial contributions received will go towards the purchase and transportation of items for the pupils and to help with the setup of additional classrooms.

Ways to give
Cash or cheque
Please make any cheques payable to 'The King's Church Mid-Sussex' and include a note with cash or cheques to state the donation is for the Ukraine Appeal. Please send this to:
The King's Church Mid-Sussex
33-35 Victoria Road
Burgess Hill
West Sussex
RH15 9LR
Bank Transfer
You can give via bank transfer as per the details below:
Sort code:
Account number:
Account name:
The Kings Church Mid-Sussex
Please include your Surname and Ukraine Appeal e.g. “Smith Ukraine Appeal”
Online card payment
You can also donate using a debit/credit card using our secure online portal by clicking the button below, and selecting 'Ukraine Appeal'.
Thank you
Thank you to everyone who has already supported us whether financially or through the donation of sportswear.
If you have given financially and have any questions or would like to talk to someone about your giving, please feel free to contact us at