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SeeKenya provides trustworthy, high quality and life-improving eye care to prevent blindness, restore sight and improve eye health in Meru, Kenya

SeeKenya is a Christian charity established by The King’s Church. In Kenya too many people's lives are unnecessarily limited by blindness or impaired vision, simply because the eye care they need isn't available. SeeKenya aims to run two clinics a year in Meru, Kenya, and are in the process of establishing a permanent clinic to help as many people as possible.

Our first large scale clinic since the pandemic was in November 2022. With Covid continuing to impact Kenya, all large-scale clinics going forward are being run with social distancing and PPE. 

How can I support the work of SeeKenya?

There are several ways to support the work of SeeKenya. You can:

  • Join us on a trip

  • Donate to our work

  • Pray for us

  • Fundraise

  • Share about our work with others

You can find out more details here.


To find out more

To find out more about our work, visit or email us at

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