Why does SeeKenya exist?

In Kenya, countless lives are unnecessarily limited by blindness or impaired vision simply because the eye care they need isn't available. SeeKenya was established in 2013, born out of the King’s Church Mid-Sussex, to address this critical need.
SeeKenya operates two pop-up clinics a year in Meru, Kenya. Excitingly, plans are underway to establish a permanent clinic to ensure our work is sustainable for generations to come.
With the permanent clinic, SeeKenya will be able to serve more than 20,000 Kenyans every year, transforming lives and communities in the process.
Become a regular giver
By making a gift to SeeKenya of £20 a month, you'll play a critical role in our mission, enabling us to continue opening eyes to a better life and expanding our impact.
Could you bake up a storm, run a 5km personal best, or take on the Couch to 5km for the first time? Or perhaps host a clothes swap or coffee morning while encouraging donations for SeeKenya? We are deeply grateful for every pound raised by our faithful supporters.
Pray for SeeKenya
We are proud of our values as a Christian organisation, and our faith underpins everything we do. We invite you to join us in praying for SeeKenya as we work together to “open the eyes of the blind” (paraphrased from Isaiah 35:5-7).
Join us on a trip
Each year, we take two teams of UK volunteers and local Kenyans to serve during our pop-up clinics, typically in March and October. Volunteers often find this a truly life-changing experience and return deeply committed to supporting SeeKenya in the long run.

To find out more about our work, visit www.seekenya.org or email us at info@seekenya.org