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A BIG Thank You From Hope Into Action

Writer: Laura GoodesmithLaura Goodesmith

Hello church family!

What better way to start the New Year than to share some encouragement from 2022, and to thank The King's Church Mid-Sussex for their part in enriching the lives of our Hope Into Action tenants!

Bedding, food and a welcome card for a new tenant

This year we have housed ten people in our King's Church Partner homes – with three move ins and three move ons over the course of the year. For those unaware, there is an allocated budget from King's for all who live in our houses, so with the church’s generosity, every new King's Church tenant receives new bedding, towels, a food shop and cards with words of encouragement, just for moving in! TKC’s “pot” also includes a birthday and Christmas present for each of our tenants, so each person knows we love them and value them as a church. For some, this may be their only gift that year. All this speaks volumes to them and instils value where sometimes that has been long lost.

Additionally, our tenants have been so blessed by ad-hoc donations when the need has arisen – most from church members hearing of a need through the Facebook group King's Generous Giving or elsewhere, and then acting on it. What a privilege it has been to see our precious tenants’ jaws drop and confused amazement overcome them as we pass on the love and kindness from our church directly to them to meet their needs and to bless them. “But they don’t even know me?” is a classic phrase we hear. Love lands right there!

Food shop provided for HIA tenant

On two different occasions last year, tenants have moved on, having had their first week’s rent given as a gift from members of the church. This frees a portion of their money to furnish their home, buy a food shop, or even put money on an electric meter! Last year we even received a one-off gift which cleared a tenant’s accrued arrears just to free them from the historical debt which had held them down. Just wow! From filled cupboards, gifted bikes, homemade cookies and cards, supermarket vouchers, The King's Church in house ministry help (yes and amen!), shared specific professional expertise, or maintenance help and more, our tenants have seen you responding to their needs, and have been able to witness an active church so ready to love them from afar- or sometimes, from very close up!

During 2022, the King's Church HIA support team have met monthly, faithfully praying for each person in our houses, that God move mountains in their lives and freedom to come in the most difficult situations. God has done just that, and not always how we would expect. It has been a real faith journey for us all and many a hairy moment has occurred in the waiting! But, EVERY time, God has always stepped in where we cannot.

Our King's Church befriending team has grown and strengthened too. Their time, words of encouragement and faithfulness to our tenants has been beautiful. What can sometimes start out like a clunky “friends blind date”, can turn into the most deep and honouring friendship which last far longer than the time they live in our houses.

All this to say THANK YOU CHURCH! I want to honour all of you who have so readily helped us share the heart of Jesus in action and generosity for our precious tenants so far. It is such an adventure being part of the Hope Into Action team, and a true privilege for us to facilitate out of your generous hearts. If you feel stirred in any way to get involved, you can find out more information or get in touch with us here. There is a place for all at the Hope Into Action table, team and tenants alike!


Laura, Hope Into Action Mid-Sussex Empowerment Worker



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