Last Sunday (08 September 2024) I spoke at The King’s Church Mid-Sussex about prayer and spiritual renewal. For many years I’ve carried a longing to see God move in Mid-Sussex in the way I have heard of him move in other places through history. These revival stories inspire and provoke me; whenever I read them it’s like pouring petrol on the embers of my faith. My eyes are lifted again to God’s promises and it reminds me of what we’re actually praying for.

It's always good to read or listen to accounts of revival through history to inspire faith for what God can do today. Here are a few recommendations that have deeply impacted me:

1. Sounds from Heaven: The Revival on the Isle of Lewis, 1949-1952
I love to read about the revival on the Isle of Lewis – the last major revival in The British Isles. Last year I visited Barvas, as pictured earlier, the tiny village where it all began. Still to this day, even though I have heard the stories so many times, I am moved when I read what happened. Sounds from Heaven offers an incredible account of this revival. To find out more order it here.
2. Duncan Campbell
Duncan Campbell was the preacher at the centre of the Hebridean Revival, but he was always quick to say that it was not about him. His firsthand accounts, which you can listen to, are invaluable. Although the recordings are somewhat grainy, we get to hear directly from an eye witness - amazing! You can listen to it here.

3. Great Revivals, When God Moves in Power by Colin Whittaker
This is a great book as it gives a brief overview of a number of revivals through history. You can get a sense of what happened in the Great Awakening in America in 1858, or in Wales in 1904 or more recent explosive moves of the Holy spirit in Korea and Indonesian, plus many more. It’s a great resource for understanding how God has moved powerfully over the last few centuries. To find out more order it here.
4. Church of the City Podcast
I have grown to really appreciate the teaching of a Pastor from New York called Jon Tyson who carries a huge vision for revival and spiritual renewal in our day. I have found his books really helpful and he also did a series in his church called ‘God comes where he’s wanted’. You can listen to the first one here.
I hope these recommendations encourage and inspire you as they have me. I am still praying the prayer of the Old Testament prophet Habakkuk….
‘Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy’. - Habakkuk 3 v 2
Yes Lord, repeat them in our day. Amen.