Register Your Child
If you are new to King's or visiting, please complete the registration form below - one for each child. We also ask all our King's Kids families to complete a registration form for each of their children, at the start of every academic year. If you would like to discuss the registration form or have any other questions, please email angie.bee@tkc.org.uk.
You can also join the King's Kids Parents and Carers Facebook group to stay up to date with the latest information.
What to bring​
Please bring a filled, named water bottle. Your child is also welcome to bring their own Bible, if they have one.
Due to the dietary needs of children in the space, we discourage parents/carers from bringing along their own food for their children. If your child has dietary needs or there is anything else you feel we need to know in order to support them, please add the details to one of our King's Kids registration forms and email Angie or speak to a member of the team on Sunday.
Wh​at to do when you arrive
Please join us at 10am for refreshments and be seated in the auditorium by 10.30am, when the service will begin. Children will be invited to go to their groups during the worship time and can be registered into King’s Kids Preschool, Reception/Year 1 and School Years 2-5 at this point.
Please take your children into the rear corridor, where you will find rooms for the different age groups. You will be given a child name card, which you need to keep safe. Should you need to communicate with the King’s Kids team during the service, please head to their group room and knock on the door.
After the service ​
Please collect your children promptly from their group room, at the end of the service. Please return your children’s name cards in order to collect your children. Only adults may collect children from King’s Kids. Older youth may collect them, so long as the parents/guardians have provided written consent.