King’s Auto Repairs exists to help those who have an essential need for a car but, because of financial hardship, are unable to afford to buy or maintain their vehicle.
How can I get help?
King's Auto Repairs provides free car servicing and repairs to those living in Mid-Sussex who have an essential need for a car but face serious financial difficulty.
Beneficiaries are introduced to King's Auto Repairs via referrals from partner organisations who pass on the details to our team.
There are limited funds, so eligibility for receiving this ministry will be determined on an individual case-by-case basis.
If you are in need of help and live in Mid-Sussex, please email kar@tkc.org.uk
Who performs the service?​
All work is carried out to a full professional standard and in compliance with all legal requirements by trained mechanics from Mobile Commercials Ltd, led by Pete Williamson who has over 40 years of experience in the motor trade.
We offer this service as part of what we see as our Christian calling to help those in genuine need whatever their faith or background.​
Beneficiaries will receive a schedule of work carried out and all work is guaranteed by Mobile Commercials Ltd.
How can I support King's Auto Repairs?
How can I make a donation?
There are several ways to support the work of King's Auto Repairs. You can:
Donate to our work
Pray for us
Donate a surplus car
Share about our work with others
King's Auto Repairs is fully funded by donations. Should you wish, you can give a one-off or regular donation through;
Bank transfer or standing order
Account Name: King's Auto Repairs
Sort Code: 60-10-26
Account Number: 10971025
Reference: Please include your name
Online card payment
Click here and select KAR Ministry from the fund drop down.
To find out more
To find out more, or if you have any questions, please email kar@tkc.org.uk

Thank you to
Sussex Community Foundation
for the grant given in 2020
to King's Auto Repairs