‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.’
Genesis 1

Here at The King's Church we recognise that we have a call from God to care for his wonderful creation. We also know that we are facing a global crisis because of climate change, a crisis that is destroying creation and the lives of those who depend on it.
As a church we have committed to being part of the solution, taking actions in all areas of church life to restore and protect the environment.
Our commitments
As a starting place, we have committed to three main objectives:
Hold at least one annual teaching on climate change/creation care across church platforms (main service, small groups, youth and children's programmes)
Achieve our Silver Eco Church Award
Reduce our Carbon Footprint in our church building and activities
Where we're up to so far
The great news is we’ve already made a start on these commitments. In 2019 we launched our response to the climate emergency by switching from using disposable cups on Sunday mornings to reusable keep cups. Since then we have planted trees on some of our land, installed three bike rack planters outside the building to create a space for wildlife and green travel and hosted a climate Sunday. We are also currently looking at other ways to make our building as eco friendly as possible.
In March 2023 we completed the A Rocha Eco Church Survey and received our Bronze Award! We're now working towards our Silver Award.

You can watch Lucy's preach on Why God Cares about the Planet here, or check out Steve’s talk on our 2021 Climate Sunday here.
There is lots more we plan to do, this is just the start, so keep your eyes peeled!
How can you get involved?
We know the climate crisis can feel overwhelming, but we believe that lots of small steps can create big change. When we come together as a church family and act as one, the difference can be huge! Below are some great resources you can access to start or continue your journey of caring for God’s creation.

Watch the Christianity and Climate Change film series
Watch this video to find out how diet changes can fight climate change
Tearfund's Pray for the Climate
Compassion's 5 Powerful Prayers for Climate Change
24/7 Prayer's How to Prayer for Climate Change Guide
Tearfund's outdoor Prayer in the Park Prayer Guide
Take the Creation Care Survey for your household
Check out some eco friendly local shops like the Fill Good or the Burgess Hill Repair Cafe
Tearfund's 10 top tips to reduce your carbon footprint
To find out more
To find out more or if you have any questions, please email